Hanwei Practical Katana (SH1070) |
Points: 16
The Practical Katana gives the martial artist the opportunity to own and use a Hanwei sword at the cost of an economy sword. The blade is forged and differentially tempered, using the same process as the more expensive blades and producing an HRC60 edge and HRC40 back. The temper line is authentic and prominent. Cost savings are effected by using fittings which, while making no claims to authenticity, are very strongly built to withstand the rigors of cutting exercises in the dojo.
Forged high-carbon steel blade
Differential tempering
Hanwei made
Hanwei Tactical Wakizashi (SH2432A) |
Points: 12
The “Sidearm of the Samurai” gets a serious update in our Tactical Wakizashi, designed for strenuous outdoor use and protection. Based on the blade geometry and superb cutting ability of our Raptor series wakizashi but with full tang construction for ultimate strength, the Tactical Wakizashi is equal to any required task and then some.
Hanwei Practical Plus Katana (SH2073) |
Points: 22
The "Practical Plus" Katana provides a very economical cutting sword as dependable as the Practical Katana (SH1070), but using more traditional fittings and construction methods. The blade is forged and differentially tempered (HRC60 edge, HRC40 back) and the hamon is prominent. The Practical Plus features genuine Same (Rayskin) on the Tsuka, with a wrap (Tsuka-Ito) specially developed for its gripping qualities. The long tang is double-pegged for security. The fittings of the Practical Plus are decorated in a Japanese Dogwood motif with dragon menuki, and the handsome Tsuba is of an iron "sunburst" design with a brass habaki.
Fully functional
Hand-forged high-carbon steel blade
Differential tempering
Hanwei Raptor Katana, Nambokucho Zukuri (SH2416) |
Points: 30
The Nanbochuko period in Japanese history (the later part of the 14th. century) encompassed sixty years of internal conflict in Japan, which spawned a demand for more and bigger sword blades than ever produced previously.
Hanwei Raptor Wakizashi (SH2422) |
Points: 23
While the Wakizashi and Tanto of the Raptor series provide matching pieces for any of the Raptor katanas, they are in their own right designed as very effective cutting tools.
Hanwei Raptor Tanto (SH2423) |
Points: 10
While the Wakizashi and Tanto of the Raptor series provide matching pieces for any of the Raptor katanas, they are in their own right designed as very effective cutting tools.
Hanwei Kouga Ninja-To (SH2430) |
Points: 17
The neighboring Kouga and Iga clans of feudal Japan were bitter enemies for centuries and their warring Ninja families have been immortalized in Japanese literature. To commemo- rate these secretive warriors we have introduced our Kouga and Iga Ninja-To.
Hanwei Iga Ninja-To (SH2431) |
Points: 15
The neighboring Kouga and Iga clans of feudal Japan were bitter enemies for centuries and their warring Ninja families have been immortalized in Japanese literature. To commemo- rate these secretive warriors we have introduced our Kouga and Iga Ninja-To.
Hanwei Ronin Katana (SH2360) |
Points: 50
The Story of the 47 Ronin is one of the most celebrated and influential tales of the Samurai from the Edo period. Lord Asano was a powerful Daimyo ordered by the Shogun to entertain guests of the Imperial Family. The highest ranking master of protocol, Kira, was given the task of teaching Asano, among others, proper matters of etiquette in this task. Lord Asano and Kira quickly grew to dislike each other and the teacher insulted his student at every opportunity. No longer able to contain himself, Asano drew his sword upon Kira, wounding him in the attack. This act led to Asano's ordered suicide (seppuku) and the confiscation of his property. On December 14, 1702, nearly one year after Asano's death, 47 of Asano's men (now Ronin), descended upon the mansion of Kira to exact their revenge.
Hanwei Bamboo Mat Katana (SH2438) |
Points: 30
Our Bamboo Mat Katana features a chu-kissaki blade of Hanwei's own high-alloy HWS-2S steel, which combines impressive performance with a striking O-choji hamon.
Hanwei Lion Dog Katana (SH2439) |
Points: 40
The Lion Dog Katana features an O-Kissaki blade of Hanwei's own high-alloy HWS-1S steel, which combines superior performance with an outstanding O-choji hamon. This steel is made in Hanwei's new factory, with high-tech equipment, producing a very pure advanced-metallurgy blade with the best edge-holding capability and resilience of any blade ever produced by Hanwei.
Black Lacquer Japanese Sword Display (OH1213) |
Points: 5
The SH1213 Table Display, produced by Hanwei, the maker of our top-of-the line Samurai swords, will display either a two-sword or three-sword set to perfection. The support rails, lined for protection of the sword's finish, carry the Katana and Wakizashi, while a padded shelf is built to display a tanto but adds to the appearance of the display even when unused. A maintenance kit also displays well on this shelf.
Top quality
Padded to protect the swords finish
Natural Wood Japanese Sword Stand (OH2104) |
Points: 4
Many of the original display stands for Samurai swords had a natural wood finish and in response to many requests we now have available a Daisho display stand (with such a finish. Crafted in solid oak, the stand matches the quality of the Hanwei Samurai swords for which it is designed.
Natural wood finish
Solid oak
For Katana and Wakizashi
Cheness Deluxe Carbon Steel Iaito (Iaito-1045) |
Points: 15
It is constructed in exactly the same way a carbon steel katana is... only blunted on the cutting edge. Hand forged, hand polished, full length nakago (tang), double mekugi (retaining pin). Perfect for those that want to practice kata using an iaito with the weight of a katana.
Katana Ten Ryu Damascus Sword Dragon Tsuba (MAZ-401) |
Points: 12
Ten Ryu handmade katana sword with blood groove.
High carbon steel blade, hand forged and folded, sharp, with bohi.
Full tang construction, two mekugi, can be disassembled.
Authentic Ray Skin wrapped handle with cotton cord. Tsuba depicts a dragon battle motif.
Saya - wooden, black. Include cotton sword bag.
Tags: martial arts, katana, iaito, sword, fencing, tonfa, boken, bokken, kama, shinai, samuraj, judo, karate, kenjutsu, kenjitsu, ninja, kungfu,